The most defining feature of Twilight Princess was easily its new gameplay features. It also introduced fan-favorite character, Midna, an intriguing imp-like creature that follows main character Link through the majority of his quest to keep the kingdom from being overtaken by a corrupted parallel dimension.

Those prayers were soon answered with the 2006 release of Twilight Princess, bringing with it a much darker and more mysterious iteration of Hyrule than ever before and providing players with a significantly more mature narrative and more realistic visual style. And though many eventually warmed up to its cel-shaded graphics and slightly more simplistic gameplay, there was a yearning for a return to what fans had come to expect from the games. So it wasn’t surprising that there was a vocal minority of gamers who were displeased with 2003’s vibrant and colorful sea-faring entry Wind Waker. Few games in The Legend of Zelda franchise have been quite as popular as the Nintendo 64’s Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, cementing the series as a somber fantasy full of mystical characters, dark and dangerous dungeons, and… Well, plenty of walking.